
Did you know Sophisticated Alloys is one of the last independent alloys companies in America?

Company mergers are happening in every type of industry, including the alloys business. Here are three of the top concerns that are a result of these consolidations: First, consolidations have impacted responsiveness. It might be harder for you to get the alloys you need, when you want them. If you work with a large company, […]

  • November 12th, 2014
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Website Revisions Made for Customer Ease of Use

As our company has grown over the last 20 years, we’ve noticed that the majority of our customers come from the following industries:   Aerospace Electronics Defense Energy Steel   We’ve recently added five new pages to our site so that customers can easily find the information pertinent to their market of interest. Within each […]

Have company consolidations left you wondering who can melt your alloys?

Over the last 10 years, a number of companies in the aerospace industry have joined forces. While this probably improved the bottom line of these new conglomerates, you might be sending your alloys melting jobs to a competitor. Here are two scenarios you might run into if you use a competitor as your melt shop: […]

A Materials Engineer’s Dream: Access to all the Equipment at a Custom Alloys Company

Any materials engineer knows that evaluating materials that meet specialized performance specifications can be a very time consuming process. Ever wish you could compress a week’s worth of work into a single day? With access to five different vacuum melting furnaces– ranging from a small vacuum arc melter to a 500 lb. vacuum induction melter […]

Who Do You Call When You Need a Custom Alloy: A University, a Mill or a Specialty Alloys Company?

It can be difficult to decide which type of organization to call when you need a specialty alloy, especially when you are not talking about huge quantities of alloy.  Usually, your options are to contact a university, a mill or a specialty alloys company.  All three might have the capability to make your alloy, but […]

Science Fiction Movies Come To Life, Thanks to Custom Alloys

I’ll never forget the day I got a phone call from a man introducing himself as a special effects guy for the X-Men movie. At first, I was rather skeptical. But as Colin Chilvers and I talked, I realized he was legitimate. As the special effects coordinator for the movie he needed to have one […]

Does it matter where you purchase your sputtering targets?

If consistency is important to you, it’s best to get your sputtering targets directly from the manufacturer. Let me share what happened to one of our customers so you understand why. We received a phone call from someone who was getting frustrated. They were purchasing their targets from different companies, which resulted in inconsistent performance, […]

Top 5 Reasons to Work with a Family-Owned Alloys Company

1. Because Relationships Matter for Quality and Consistency: One of the great pleasures of being the president of Sophisticated Alloys is talking with my customers. When you call to discuss your project you are going to speak with me. We will talk about all of the specifics of your project and define a statement of […]

  • August 16th, 2013
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